Sami's super blog!

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy my stories and other posts I make! PLease comment on my posts following the post guide lines. Be sure to check out my survey and please vote! Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Tree

By Zebrafish02 and Zebrafish06
O Christmas tree O Christmas tree
How you stand so tall for me
O Christmas tree o Christmas tree
How your dress is so green
O Christmas tree o Christmas tree
How your lights beam
O Christmas tree o Christmas tree
How you sway for me
O Christmas tree o Christmas tree
Your just right for me

Monday, December 12, 2011

Diamond Necklace

A big diamond necklace
My great great great grandma wore
Was passed down to my mom
It is now stored
Some day it will be
Passed down to me
I will cherish
That big diamond necklace
My great great great grandma wore
And when my day is up
My child shall cherish
Her great great great great grandmas diamond necklace

Friday, December 9, 2011

Bill and the Quill

Once there was a guy named bill
Who rode on a quill
It said howdy do?
And went crazylooo
He dances like a tsunami
And likes to eat salami
He enjoys sitting on clouds
My he is a boud

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dish Washer

My dish washer went woosh whir
Whoosh whoosh whir  whir
At 3 oclock one day it went clockety vrumm
Vrumm clock vrummm vrumm
Time for a new dish washer

The Ball

Help! The ball!!
I just kicked it far!!
It bit me!!

Empty Sea

My heart is an empty sea without you
The waves are hitting emptiness without you
My body is crying out to you
Its saying I love you
I can hardly breathe
Come back to me
Come back with me
My heart is an empty sea without you